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Making a guy to love you alone can be very difficult but after reading this post you will find the means to do that with ease.
Guys tends to love so many ladies and it's very hard to find a man who can love only a single lady. That have always been their nature and lifestyle. They always have that thought of having the whole girls in the world if you give them the chance.
But you as a lady can make him the man of your life , you can make him love you alone and more

Hence you  as a lady should be able to

Have a good character
Know him better
Show him your love
Advice him when needed
Avoid being that dependent Lady
To be proud of him
Give him time to hang out
Show some respect
Show some maturity
Make him always recognize you

Good character:
Having good  character matters a lot if you want your guy to love you alone. Let him know you of a good character. You Dont wanna be the type of ladies that Dont have discipline, lacks morals, not educated etc. You have to get all this things fixed first. Dont be that type that always eats outside.. Guys think that any lady that eats outside a lot is not well groomed and can't be a wife material because they assumed that such ladies doesn't know how to handle kitchen affairs like cooking, washing etc

Know him better:
You have to be able to understand your guy or boyfriend more than he do. Sounds weird,? Yes. .. But you have to do that. Knowing him more will mean a lot to you later. You can be able to know the type of guy, he is
Is he harsh? Then you have to take things easy with him
Is he into sports? Then you have to adjust yourself in loving sports too
Is he into music? You have to love music.
Does he like pizza? Then you have to be able to get one for him sometimes.
He's the type that hate snacks? Then you don't have to talk about snacks to him anymore.
Many more things..try to understand him well that helps a lot. Cause he will be so happy you understand and take him for who he is.

Show him your love:
Of course guys needs love too. They Dont want to be left out. They have feelings as well . you have to show him your love back. Be there for him. Make him special, admire him, make him feel he's the one for you. Not loving him back can make him start loosing interest in you and if course finds another lady.

Advice him when needed:
This is important. Know when your guy is not in a good mood. 
Is he expecting his business to grow but is not? Then advice him. Trust me it works
This also makes him to know you care about him and can never leave you to someone who doesn't do the same to him

Avoid being that dependent lady:
Yes this counts. Dont make him always complain in his heart about your so much dependent. Allow him to spend on you. Give him some room sometimes.
Never ask him for money unless its necessary
Never complain about having your hair fixed,he notice that.
Dont abuse him if he didn't act as he promised. Remember there is a reason he didn't fulfil his promise.

Be proud of him:
Show him that you are very proud of who is. Dont be shy to talk about him to your best friends.they admire the fact  when their girl talk about them in public.
 Be that lady that always call him your boyfriend in public. 
Dont hide to answer his call it means you are not proud of him unles the area you are making the call is very noisy.
Dont forget to tell him you love him on the phone while you are in front of your friends.

Give him time to hang out:
You Dont have to be so jealous. Yea ,give home that time he needs to hang out with other friends that are females. Fill free to allow him go out for parties. If your guy knows you love him, trust me he will not misbehave out there.

Show him some respect:
He's your guy and you have to learn to show some respect to him. That counts a lot. Respect him he'll do the same way to you as a lady. Dont shout on him because he did little mistake. Talk to him nicely trust me he'll be touched in his hearts.
Dont ask him silly questions..
Don't act rude
Don't snubbe his questions
Don't keep malice with him.

Show some maturity: 
You don't have to act like a baby. Show him that you can do it.
Show him you are capable to fix that.
Overlooke some of his bad statements.. Give him time he'll realise himself.

Make him recognize you:
You Dont have to be that simple girl.
Dress nice
Apply good make-ups
Apply good cosmetics 
Smell good
Dress well.
This helps a lot to make him always admire and be interested in you. Share and like our Facebook page @ dnationsblog

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