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In the world of dating, relationships have become the key element. Various relationship lasts while some doesn't. Making a relationship last longer depends on the individuals that are into it.

However many relationship have failed due to the lack of integrity amongst the two partners involved.

Common question I get

Can I make my boy friend not to think about leaving me?

Can she stay with me for long?

Does relationship lasts?

Of course the answer is yes...


  • Mutual understanding
  • Trust
  • Discipline
  • Avoid cheating
  • Sharing ideas and thoughts
  • Sharing and tackling problems
  • There must be an income
  • Parents awareness (optional)
  • Maturity

Mutual understanding: This is however the basic foundation for a long lasting relationship. There must be a mutual understanding between the two partner. They should be to understand the need to forgive one another. Understanding has a way of extending a relationship.

Trust: this is another tip for a good lasting tends to energize the relationship by creating a straightforward approach among the partners. In a situation were there's no trust,the relationship breaks.if the guy always thought of how the lady will act when he's not around that's being jealous and of course no trust for the lady. Same as the lady and vice versa.

Discipline: this entails on self respect .when there is no regards or discipline the relationship results to breakup since no one respects each othersprinciple.

Avoid cheating: cheating among each other must not should be satisfied for the others feelings for the relationship to last. In a situation were a partner is found to be cheating on the other might result to breakups.

Sharing ideas and thoughts: ideas and thought should be made open to each other to work upon. Feelings and emotions should also involve. No partner should be left out in a relationship. Both partners must involve while sharing their thoughts and idea.its for mutual benefits. Example if maybe the lady thought of a better way of making some cash, she should involve her partner about her thought towards the matter.

Sharing and tackling problems: just as above mentioned, problems should be made known to each other to be tackled. No one should keep the whole problem all to his/her self. Maybe if the guy is having some educational or family related problems ,he is meant to share it with his girl, same as the lady.

There must be an income: yea right ... Income you heard me. There  MUST    be an income stream. Nowadays, relationships are not meant to be managed.. The partners must involve in something that will be fetching money for them. That's when both can enjoy the relationship without thinking about break ups. Some breakups are mostly lack of fund. Maybe the lady is over dependent or maybe the guy doesn't have at all.

Parents awareness (optional): this is optional,, but for a nice relationship it should involve the two partners parents. Their parents will get to know who their son or daughter is dating. This is important in case tomorrow maybe the lady got pregnant there shouldn't be much to handle since the parents are aware about the two. Not saying that they should have baby because their parent is already aware of the relationship.

Maturity: learning the fact to forgive and overlook certain mistakes among themselves. Maturity also means not being that jealous for the other partner maybe one of them saw the other one with another guy or girl chatting along. No ,  its meant not to be that way.
This great tips can help a lot in relationship to last...

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